Originally uploaded by mactechwitch.
I liked reading about the discipline (in the Unwellness home) of removing a certain number of books from the shelves to make room for new. In my house, we are undisciplined book buyers who seem to have time to read only on vacations. Our books are piled here and there as the shelves are at their limits.
The summer reading lists of my blog-pals are quite interesting to me. It's fun to see the patterns developing in the choices. I seem to have been on an extended Nazi trip the past several weeks.
After finishing The Lost Legends of New Jersey, Frederick Reiken, a sweet treat of a book and a gift from a favorite friend, which was not about Nazis but was about the Rubins and the Berkowitzes and the Jersey Shore so you know Nazis were not too far back in the collective consciences of the characters, I read Hour of The Cat, Peter Quinn, Everything is Illuminated, Jonathan Safran Foer, then Last Dance at the Hotel Kempinski, Robin Hirsch and now I've picked up The Plot Against America, Philip Roth.
I also use the summer to catch up on New Yorker fiction and articles. There is one that I want to share with my lunchtime crossword pals. It's a classic David Sedaris called Turbulence