Wedding Season
Molly's Wedding click for some more pictures.
We had a family wedding this weekend. The Weasel Wedding Chronicles were so enjoyable that I wanted to post one myself. Think of it as a sequel to Weasel-Wedding.
The bride and the weather were gorgeous all weekend. Festivities began on Friday night with a rehearsal dinner for a huge number of people. The church wedding, on Saturday afternoon was beautiful. The highlight was when the family's long-time housekeeper got up on the altar and sang an a cappella gospel number. She got the whole church swinging and clapping with her and went into one of those fainting collapses at its conclusion. The reception party at her parents home, was smashing. The food, toasts, music and dancing -it was just so much fun. Mactech had many memorable (yes I remember them) cocktails at this great celebration.
We left the after-party to the younger generation and headed to our hotel when the kegs were being rolled down to the boat house and people were jumping naked into the pool. Mactech-son reported that the good time lasted well into the early morning. We returned to the scene of the crime for brunch on Sunday and to hear the happy recap.
One mishap - The bride and groom arrived at their wedding night hotel to find that their bridal suite reservation had somehow been "lost." After much yelling and sobbing the hotel went to work finding them a room somewhere. They arrived at the second hotel and were given a room but when they opened the door, there was a naked couple in the bed doing what you might expect a naked couple to be doing.
The exhausted bride and groom returned to her parents' home and slept on a cot. The house, big though it is was, packed with overnight guests.
Well, it'll be a good story to tell the grand-kids someday.
Now it's off to Africa for three weeks of safari-ing. Then back to the news beat at NY 1.