Thursday, June 23, 2005

I've Been Playing Unwellness Games.

How did I get so lucky? Who wouldn't want to be horse?

You're a Horse!

Versatile, powerful, and true, you have quite a reputation for hard work and a certain unbridled spirit. Many look up to you as an example of what people can really become, though somewhere deep down, you admit to feeling a little bit broken. You hate racing, but are still exceptionally good at it. Beware broken legs, dog food, and glue. If your name is Ed, you do a surprising amount of talking.

Take the Animal Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.


Mondale said...

I was a jellyfish. Unwellness games are stupid.

Anonymous said...

You know, Bowles... if you don't have something nice to say... (hey, we were both sea creatures!).

I think the term "unwellness games" is excellent and should be used often to mean mindless, no-thought-required, pithy yet meaningless amusements - and I thank Maureen for getting the ball rolling on that.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and also I think the horse description has a few spot-on Maureenisms in it.