Sunday, April 02, 2006

A Little Trip

The picture above is of many thousand year old cliff dwellings at Bandelier National Monument, NM. A while back Unwellness posted a link to a color-in map of the states - a record of those you have or have not visited. My map was appalling. I could only color in the edges. So last week we took a little trip to New Mexico. It could have been the moon. I can't say that I've ever seen anything quite like this geography. But what really struck me was the emptiness of the place. Hundreds of miles of sand and hills as far as one could see. It was very quiet. Listo? Is there any baseball there? Of course, as empty as the place was, wouldn't you know, I ran into a Burpie Cow Wow family in a restaurant in Sante Fe.

On the way back we stopped in Chicago to visit the boy for a few days. Good weather and good food and funny stories. That's all I need to keep me going for a few weeks at least.

1 comment:

Listmaker said...

new mexico does indeed have professional baseball, i believe. and no i have not crossed it off my list yet.