Thursday, August 31, 2006

Crazed and Confused

A simpler time for me.

OK This is the worst work week of the year. I just have to remain civil and keep my head from exploding. Smile, smile, smile! Don't drool too much and for Pete's sake, don't wet your pants.
I started today at 3:45 AM on one cup of coffee - worked straight through until 4:00 grabbed some ready-made sushi, then worked til 7:00, ate a small steak and a tomato. Went back to work until...5 minutes ago. A twenty hour work day with very little to show for it but the prospect of another one just like it tomorrow.
Everyone at Burpie... is under pressure to ready the school for the new year. It hasn't helped me that the maintenance staff, while performing their much applauded renovations disconnected nearly every computer and network connection in three buildings or that my network manager has difficulty staying on task.
But when the kids actually arrive, next Thursday, it will be fine. It always is.

Favorite moment of the day:
When our fearless leader compared the new PO forms to a glassine bag of crack.


Anonymous said...

I love the leader
He rocks
I don't know how you do it...seriously... I don't
But you do
And you are right every year when the kids come in everything is set.
I must say I don't miss that part at all

sc@vp said...

stumbled on your blog via ... someone else's blog ... via someone else's blog ...

no 'real-life' connection, though

(at least not that I know of)