Friday, December 15, 2006

The Year at a Glance-A Meme

The opening sentences from my first blog post each month in 2006.
I "caught" this from Unwellness.
It makes the year seem so short. And it's a fair snapshot of what I blathered about in 2006. Work, The Weather, Travel, The Past.

JAN First day back at school after the holidays...D+
FEB If you're going to feel plowed under anyway, you may as well have a snowstorm.
MAR I was really into The Lives of the Saints in my early adolescence.
APR The picture above is of many thousand year old cliff dwellings at Bandelier National Monument, NM.
MAY I would rather delete by hand the stupid generic advertising and anonymous comment posts, that land on occasion on my blog, than put people through the maddening task of typing nonsense security words.
JUN Leftover Stories to Tell is a tribute to the late, depressed, anxious, dyslexic and brilliant Spalding Gray.
JUL I'm liking the new head of BCS.
AUG There's been a lot of complaining about the heat this week prompting questions of "What do you hate more, NY summers or NY winters?
SEP It is cooler this morning but the sky is exactly the same as it was that day.(9/11)
OCT I could tell you about the dinner party I hosted to raise money for the school, you know, What was my menu? Who were my guests?
NOV Steve Earle played his first Brooklyn gig ever on Wednesday night, at SouthPaw.
DEC I've often felt the school year starts as a slow torturous climb up a sheer precipice, its summit reached sometime Thanksgiving week. The rest of the year is a hurtling bumpy slide down the other side. (ok, 2 sentences in this case)

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