Tuesday, December 20, 2005

The Anti Vacation: Day Two

6:55 AM When the ringing phone is what wakes you in the morning it's probably not going to be a great day. OK transit strike.
I could keep my plan to shop in SOHO. I don't really mind the walk IN but I don't want to schlep packages back over the bridge. I will have to cancel my check-up appointment at Sloan Kettering this afternoon. Again I'm sure I could get in but I don't know about getting home. East 68th Street is a long way from Park Slope.
Mr. MacTech... is still in bed in denial but the phone call gets him up. The call is our daughter. She has a ride into Manhattan with room for one more.
8:25 AM The car with 5 passengers had no trouble slipping through the Brooklyn Battery Tunnel. The traffic on the West Side Highway is not bad at all. The Brooklyn Bridges, on the other hand, are jammed. Maybe they can hitch a ride downtown at the end of the day and I'll just drive through the tunnel and pick them up.

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