Friday, March 03, 2006

John, Paul, George or Ringo?

You are Saint Francis of Assisi! You don't care what you look like (or smell like) as long as you can live simply and help the poor. You should be receiving your stigmata any day now.

Hey I already have it.

I was really into The Lives of the Saints in my early adolescence. My friends and I loved the story of Maria Goretti - most fascinating. She was "martyred" at the age of twelve refusing the sexual advances of her twenty year old neighbor. Why sainthood? I guess you had to be there.
My martyr obsessions soon morphed after the fab four landed at the newly renamed JFK Airport into something more like "to which Beatle would I want to lose my virginity?"

St Francis is perfect for where my head is right now. I could definitely see myself living in a simple cave in the hills outside of long as there was wireless Internet service.

Which Saint Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla


Briar said...

Oh, I love love love this post. And not just because I am also St. Francis. It seems perfect that you were obsessed with Lives of the Saints. Have you seen Millions?

mactechwitch said...

I just saw Millions last came through on my Netflix queue.
I thought the "saintly" child was great and I loved what they did with the saint characters...and i liked that the dead mother was named maureen.