The Terror Target List
Soon after September 11th, when we were constantly being warned that we were on Orange Alert in NYC, mactech-husband mentioned that we should air-drop (on potential terrorist countries in the mideast) maps of possible targets in the midsection of the US. "They only seem to know about places on the coasts. It's a big country."
Apparently he was on to something. Today's Times has a front page article on the National Asset Database. (This is the "data" by the way, by which Homeland Security divvies up their zillion dollars worth of antiterrorism grants).
According to the list of resources that could be potential sites of "terror," Indiana, with 8,591 posible targets, has more than any other state. New York has 5,687, California, 3,212.
I'm sure glad the Times is getting this news out. Leave us and the left coast out of the terror-planning, you terrorists. We're small potatoes.
Amish Country Popcorn (on the list), in Berne, Indiana - watch your back.
Let me guess: the number of targets listed in a state has an impact on the funding formula...
In the weeks after 9/11, given that Atta had flown out of Portland, Maine, every town in the state was scrambling to retroactively "spot the terrorist". I was living in Bar Harbor, ME at the time and the best rumour was that Atta and his crew had taken time to ride the ferry/casino to Nova Scotia and back for a little pre-attack R&R. It lasted for about a month until the local paper did a very poker-faced interview with the Boston FBI office in order to refute the claims and shut the Jordan's Diner idiot club up.
Oh dear. This reminds me of a little article in Time in late 2001 about the town in Ohio where my in-laws live - a tiny nothing place on the West Virginia border. It was all about how very seriously they were taking their terrorist threats to... it wasn't clear what exactly. It was laughable. And infuriating.
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