Monday, October 09, 2006

Subversion of the Best Sort

Two year-olds love music and can quickly learn rhyming verses when they are sung by the beloved voices of moms, nanas and pre-school teachers. His dad, the Yankee fan, was away for the weekend. And so it seemed the perfect time for a little good-natured indoctrination. How about thoses Metsies!


Anonymous said...

I love it!1 I am so impressed! He can sing, dance and microwave at the same time! He is genius and he is adorable. Nana doesn't have a bad voice either.

Listmaker said...

best thing ever

youthlarge said...

i concur. this is the best thing ever and nana's voice is beautiful!

Scrappy said...

i'd love to get this boy and my boy together. they are stikingly similar. maybe all two-year-olds are...