Saturday, September 17, 2005

"...Here is my handle. Here is..."

Forget it Freddie. I've been a registered Democrat since I was born, yet I couldn't muster any enthusiasm for last week's primary. And I'm not going to vote for you. Also, the kind of NYC folks who might have been persuaded to vote for you in November, will not be impressed by the pictured endorsement. She, unfortunately, is poison to the groups you're trying to corral in your corner.
I'm voting for "Richie" Bloomberg. Yes, a Republican. I'd vote for him on the merits of 311 alone – the single best government technological advancement I can think of in my lifetime (and much more effective than 911).
In addition, the fact that he would even attempt to reorganize the NYC school system is to his credit. The shortcomings of said reorganization are many, of course, but the dismantling of 110 Livingston St. (The Board of Ed) was brilliant.

(I mainly wrote this post because I wanted to use the picture. I bet my very clever fellow-bloggers can think of far-funnier captions than mine).


mactechwitch said...

Excellent Deb!

Wisdom Weasel said...

OK, for us non-NYCers explain: what makes this guy so bad that he has registered Democrats voting for the GOP candidate?

Something similar happened in Boston last go around and up here in Maine we regularly split the ticket of our congressional delegation; is it just that this Freddie guy is so feckless and inept?