Thursday, November 10, 2005

Gallery of Drinks 3

I am enjoying this drink right now with a lovely pork chop, braised with celery and sauerkraut.

The Bloody Mary is an underrated drink, mainly because it is nearly impossible to get a well-made one. They are labor intensive and need several ingredients and, let's face it, everyone has a different idea of how it should come out.
Here's mine.

Use a shaker. Pour in (at least) 2 oz. of vodka, the juice of a whole fresh lemon, 5 or 6 ounces of V8 ( I prefer this to plain tomato juice) a short teaspoon of horseradish, and a couple of shakes each of Tabasco and Worcestershire sauce and salt and pepper to taste. Add a few ice cubes and shake.
Pour the drink over fresh ice cubes into a tall flared glass. Add a stick of celery and fresh piece of lime to garnish. Drink.

Nutritional Information:
Calories: approx. 180
Fat: 0
Protein; 0
Carbohydrates: 17 grams

Really, it's a diet in a glass. You feel so healthy after drinking this


Mondale said...

I can't abide Bloody Marys, My wife would drink nothing else. Between us we drink the bar dry.

Wisdom Weasel said...

I'm with Mondale- they taste like V8 doused with hairspray. My missus however...

What do you think MactechWitch, a drink prefered by the sophisticated taste buds of women, or Mondale and me are just cro-magnons?

mactechwitch said...

With you two, I think it's the modifier "bloody" that puts you off.

youthlarge said...

the best bloody mary i've had in new york is from jones. it's cajun style and will thus burn a hole in your stomach. and you're right - there are very few people who can get it right. i really want to try one at Prune, where i hear the drink is garnished with a skewer of assorted pickled vegetables.

i'm also glad to see that you're drinking one in the evening. i've had too many stares and puzzled looks when i order one outside of brunch.