Monday, October 31, 2005

Gallery of Drinks 2

This is a Montepulciano D'Abruzzo. Modest in price, under $15, and available at Shawn Liquors on 7th Avenue where Andrew, The sommelier in residence (with the coke-bottle eye glasses and the Jerry Lewis voice) has rarely steered me wrong. It went beautifully with the rib steak at its side. I ate the whole steak myself with two glasses of the wine. The perfect antidote to Halloween's sickly-sweetness.

1 comment:

Briar said...

Ugh... the sweetness. I don't know WHY I ate that last black and orange cookie. Like its black and white brethren always do, it seemed like a good idea at the time. We specialists have the blessing and curse of nibbling from all classrooms. Sickly is the word for it. I've been crashing into a sugar coma all evening.