Thursday, August 03, 2006

Summer – Why I Still Like It

There's been a lot of complaining about the heat this week prompting questions of "What do you hate more, NY summers or NY winters? So, it's been hotter than hell day after day (even at the eastern end of LI). Summer is better than winter. I will never get over my childhood crush on this time of year.
You can lie in bed in the morning for what seems like hours and when you get up it's still before 8:00 o'clock.
The local produce and fish are outstanding.
I actually drink less alcohol but enjoy it more.
I rarely, if ever, get sick in the summer.
Swimming in the ocean is theraputic.
Outdoor showers - the best.
It's often daylight when Mactech-husband returns from work.
Going out in the city on summer nights is always fun.
Air-conditioning makes sleeping possible.
The break in everyone's routine allows an amnesia to cover the fact of how bad that routine can become and make you believe things could change for the better.